Never doubt what is possible - Transformation through Intuitive Painting!
I bring peopletogether who experienced deep injuries up to trauma in their childhood and since then have repeatedly found their own life difficult. People who face many fears, self-doubts, sadness, confusion, anger. Who, because of their painful experiences, hesitate to break new ground and still long for a happier and fulfilled life. Together we learn intuitive painting, practice and share together, so that we can find our own story and to heal our old wounds and henceforth being able to lead a self-determined, happy life.
Together we strengthen each other on our path to healing.
"The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them." Elisabeth Gilbert
Intuitive Painting
With this training you get to know your own thought processes and mind so that you can distinguish them from your intuition so that these thought processes no longer block your creative access to yourself. With the training, an intuitive space opens in which the essence of your true self (your true being) can be released.
You don't need any artistic skills or any talent!
Here, in this group, we meet each other, friendly and non-judgmental. We witness our path, our history and healing process. You alone decide what you want to share about yourself.